SEC Form SC TO-I/A filed by Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend (Amendment)
TRANSACTION VALUATION: $27,688,868.79 (a)
AMOUNT OF FILING FEE: $3,051.31 (b)
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing with which the offsetting fee was previously paid. Identify the previous filing
by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
Amount Previously Paid:
Form or Registration No.:
Schedule TO
Filing Party:
Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend and Income Fund
Date Filed:
January 12, 2023
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Check the box if the filing relates solely to preliminary communications made before the commencement of a tender offer.
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third-party tender offer subject to Rule 14d-1.
issuer tender offer subject to Rule 13e-4.
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going-private transaction subject to Rule 13e-3.
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amendment to Schedule 13D under Rule 13d-2.
Check the following box if the filing is a final amendment reporting the results of the tender offer: /X/
/s/ Richard Salus
Richard Salus
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
February 16, 2023