Xoma Has Acquired An Economic Interest In Three Women's Health Assets From Daré Bioscience For An Upfront Payment Of $22M
- Organon, a global women's healthcare company, initiated XACIATO commercial activities in the fourth quarter of 2023.
- XOMA further expands its late-stage portfolio with synthetic royalty and milestone interests in two additional women's health assets: Ovaprene, an investigational potential first-in-category Phase 3 hormone-free monthly intravaginal contraceptive, and Sildenafil Cream, 3.6%, a potential first-in-category Phase 3-ready candidate for female sexual arousal disorder.
- Bayer HealthCare holds the exclusive rights to U.S. commercialization of Ovaprene.
- XOMA provided $22 million upfront as non-dilutive royalty capital solution to Daré Bioscience.