SEC Form N-PX filed by Invesco Trust for Investment Grade New York Municipals
Form N-PX Filer Information |
| OMB Number: 3235-0582 Estimated average burden hours per response: 20.8 |
N-PX: Filer Information
Filer CIK | 0000883265 |
Filer CCC |
Date of Report | 06/30/2024 |
Are you a Registered Management Investment Company or an Institutional Manager? | Registered Management Investment Company |
Filer Investment Company Type | Form N-2 Filer (Closed-End Investment Company) |
Is this a LIVE or TEST Filing? | LIVE TEST |
Is this an electronic copy of an official filing submitted in paper format? |
Submission Contact Information | |
Name | |
Phone Number | |
E-mail Address |
Notification Information |
Notify via Filing Website only? |
N-PX: Cover Page
Name and address of reporting person:
Name of reporting person (For registered management investment companies, provide exact name of registrant as specified in charter) | Invesco Trust for Investment Grade New York Municipals |
Street 1 | 11 Greenway Plaza |
Street 2 | |
City | Houston |
State/Country |
Zip code and zip code extension or foreign postal code | 77046 |
Telephone number of reporting person, including area code: | 713-626-1919 |
Name and address of agent for service:
Name of agent for service | |
Street 1 | |
Street 2 | |
City | |
State/Country | |
Zip code and zip code extension or foreign postal code |
Reporting Period: | Report for the year ended June 30, 2024 |
SEC Investment Company Act or Form 13F File Number: | 811-06537 |
CRD Number (if any): | |
Other SEC File Number (if any): | |
Legal Entity Identifier (if any): |
Report Type (check only one):
Registered Management Investment Company.
Fund Voting Report (Check here if the registered management investment company held one or more securities it was entitled to vote.)
Fund Notice Report (Check here if the registered management investment company did not hold any securities it was entitled to vote.)
Institutional Manager.
Institutional Manager Voting Report (Check here if all proxy votes of this reporting manager are reported in this report.)
Institutional Manager Notice Report (Check here if no proxy votes are reported in this report and complete the notice report filing explanation section below)
Institutional Manager Combination Report (Check here if a portion of the proxy votes for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting person(s).)
Do you wish to provide explanatory information pursuant to Special Instruction B.4?: | Yes No |
Additional information: |
N-PX: Summary - Included Series
Number of Series: | 0 |
Information about the Series: | NONE |
N-PX: Signature Block
Reporting Person: | Invesco Trust for Investment Grade New York Municipals |
By (Signature): | Glenn Brightman |
By (Printed Signature): | Glenn Brightman |
By (Title): | President of Mutual Funds |
Date: | 08/22/2024 |